Dr. Pedro Ataíde Hilário
Areas of practice:

Real Estate, conveyance and investment, Civil, labour and criminal litigation, Pharmaceutical Law and Regulatory, Commercial and Company Law, International Law, Space Law

Fluent use of both English and French, with continued assistance to international clients, both individuals, company and Institutions.

Inscribed in the Portuguese Lawyers Bar since 1999


Graduated by the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon;

Post graduate in “Pharmaceutical and Medical Law – Centre of biomedic studies by the Law Faculty of the University Coimbra”

Quick course in “Space Law” by the Nova Faculty of Law in Lisbon

Elected Delegate to the VI Lawyers Bar Congress in 2005

President of the Lawyers’ Bar Delegation of Loulé (2006-2011)

Founding Member of several Associations including ANJAP – National Association of Young Portuguese Lawyers (acted as President of Regional Delegation in the Algarve and Delegate to the National Council, among other duties from 2004-2011)

Member of several philanthropic associations, amateur astronomer and astrophotographer. 

